Assessment of impacts of the Ukraine-Russia conflict on the energy sector and affordability of clean energy technologies by households


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Bayarmaa Lkhagvadorj

Objectives, the scope of assessment
Under the leadership and coordination of UNRC, UNDP, UNV, UNECAP, and PUNOs: FAO, UNICEF, and UNFPA will analyze the extent of the socio-economic impact on vulnerable persons in terms of consumption and production, availability of food and nutrition, alternative energy technology inputs and energy imports by analyzing Big-Data on households and businesses, and by conducting rapid Focus Group Discussions and field surveys for developing a policy response. The proposed analysis compliments existing analysis by the Government and IFIs and the findings and recommendations will feed into the policy interventions by the Government for developing an integrated strategic response, especially, for those who are at risk of being left behind. The objective of this assessment is to undertake a rapid analysis of the energy sector and energy security of Mongolia and the affordability of clean energy technologies by households during the crisis and formulate recommendations and measures that will be integrated into Government policies and actions.  

Results of rapid assessment

  • Global energy market and security during the crisis 
  • The energy sector of Mongolia during the crisis
  • Affordability of clean energy technologies by households - Impacts on consumers